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VS_Browse() Database pick-list/browser routine CHG
VS_Browse() allows the user to pick a database record from a "pick
list/browse" window. The window can contain as many field columns as
you (the programmer) want to provide as the user may "pan" left and
right (in addition to scrolling up and down) within the window.
n_Key = VS_Browse( n_Top, n_Left, n_Bottom, n_Right, c_Title,
c_FootNote, n_Palette, a_ColObjs, c_FirstKey, b_Condition, ac_Procs,
an_Keys )
n_Top is a numeric value containing the top row of the window.
n_Left is a numeric value containing the left column of the
n_Bottom is a numeric value containing the bottom row of the
n_Right is a numeric value containing the right column of the
c_Title is a character expression that will be displayed at the
top of the window (offset to the left)
c_Footnote is a character expression that will be displayed at the
bottom of the window (centered)
n_Palette is a numeric value representing the palette number
VS_Browse() will use when it creates the window.
a_ColObjs is an array of TBColumn Objects. Each element in this
array represents one column in the window. See Clipper v5.0x
documentation under TBColumn for more information.
c_FirstKey is an optional character expression that represents the
index key of the first record to display. i.e. If the database were
indexed on last_name and c_FirstKey contained "SMITH", then the
first record displayed in the window would have the last name of
b_Condition is an optional code block that is evaluated for each
record prior to its being displayed in the window. This code block
should return .T. only when the record in question is within the range
of records you wish to see in the window. i.e. using the "SMITH"
example above... if you only wanted to see a list of persons with the
last name of "SMITH", this code block code look like this:
ac_Procs is an optional array of character expressions that tell
VS_Browse() which procedures to call within the window.
an_Keys is an optional array of numeric values (parallel to
ac_Procs) that indicate to VS_Browse() the INKEY() values of which
keys invoke which procedure. In other words, if the user presses a
key listed in this array, VS_Browse() will call the procedure named in
the parallel element of ac_Procs.
n_Key is a numeric expression that represents the INKEY() value of
the last key the user pressed.
VS_Browse() replaces VS_Pick().
LOCAL n_Key := 0
LOCAL n_Top := 5
LOCAL n_Left := 5
LOCAL n_Bottom := 20
LOCAL n_Right := 75
LOCAL c_Title := " This is the title "
LOCAL c_FootNote := " This is the footnote "
LOCAL n_Palette := 5
LOCAL a_ColObjs := {}
LOCAL c_FirstKey
LOCAL b_Condition
LOCAL ab_KeyBlocks
LOCAL an_Keys
AADD( a_ColObjs, TBColumnNew( "Function - Short
Description", ;
{||FUNC_NAME+[ - ]+SHORT} ) )
n_Key = VS_Browse(n_Top, n_Left, n_Bottom, n_Right, c_Title,
n_Palette, a_ColObjs )
? "n_Key=",n_Key
? "RECNO()=",RECNO()
VS_Browse() can be used anytime you want a user to be able to select a
record from a database. I find it to be a very valuable tool inside
validation routines, etc.
See Also:
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Written by Dave Pearson